"The Case of the Missing Tail"

Eeyore stood by himself in his gloomy corner of the 100 Aker Woods.
Winnie-the-Pooh was walking through the forest and came upon Eeyore
Something was wrong. "What's the matter, Eeyore?" asked pooh.
"I am not feeling right and I can't quite figure out why," explained
Eeyore. Pooh walked around Eeyore once. Then walked around him
again just to make sure.
"What's happened to your tail?" Pooh said in surprise. "It isn't
there!" "It was there this morning," said Eeyore.� "Bother,"
"Well, it isn't there now," exclaimed Pooh.moaned Eeyore.
� "That explains it. That explains everything. How is someone
suppose to feel right when part of them is missing?
I guess I should be happy that my head isn't missing".
"You must have left your tail somewhere," said Pooh.
"Someone must have taken it," exclaimed Eeyore. "Will you�
upon the characters and stories by A. A. Milne*
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